Background Check
An application packet will not be ready for review until all supporting documents, including background checks, are submitted.
Background checks are submitted directly to DODD from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.
To start the background check, visit a WebCheck location.
The results of a background check can take up to 45 days to be completed and sent to DODD.

Create an Account
Create an OH|ID account and subscribe to My DODD to access Billing (eMBS) and My Learning. Your OH|ID will also give you access to the Provider Network Management (PNM) Module where you can start the New Provider application. If you already have an existing OH|ID, you will only need to subscribe to DODD for MyLearning and eMBS

Complete Required Training
Certificates of completion will be submitted as part of the application packet.
Complete the Independent Provider Initial Training course available in DODD MyLearning, or an alternate initial provider training course that meets the requirements for initial training found in Ohio Administrative Rule OAC 5123-2-09 Appendix A , Appendix B , Appendix C (Provider Certification).
Complete Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) training. Only applicants for Homemaker/Personal Care (HPC) or Waiver Nursing services are required to complete EVV training. Applicants should complete the training as soon as possible after certification, using their Medicaid number to sign up. Applicants taking the training before receiving a Medicaid number should use “9999999” in the Medicaid number field when signing up for training.
Complete First Aid and CPR training.

Complete Application Packet
The application packet includes the online application and all required supporting documents, including
- Social Security card
- birth certificate
- high school diploma or GED
- driver license or state ID
- certificates or transcripts for completed training
- payee ID (Formerly Supplier ID)
- background check (which is submitted to DODD from the Attorney General’s Office)

Submit Application and Submission Fee
Pay the non-refundable fee, electronically sign, and submit the application.
All supporting documents must be submitted within 30 days of submitting the application and application fee.
The application is considered complete the date that all supporting documents have been submitted and the background check results are received by DODD. That becomes the application submission date.
After 30 days, applications missing documentation are closed and a new application and application fee will be required.

Application Review
DODD will review and respond to an application within 30 days of the application submission date. DODD may request additional documents as needed.
If the application is approved, DODD will send the application to the Ohio Department of Medicaid, which will conduct a site visit with the potential new agency.

Final Approval Letter
Sent via email, the approval will list the DODD contract number, Medicaid provider number, certification effective date, and expiration date.